Card & Basket Ministry
The Lakeview Women’s Ministry has a card and gift basket ministry where we get together and make cards and baskets that we mail out or deliver to people of the church or community in need. If you would like to join in this ministry you can contact Teresa Cole, Denise Broome or Linda Hagler. Not only are we making something useful but we are enjoying a wonderful time of fellowship at the same time.
Women’s Book Club
The Women’s Book Club meets periodically to discuss our current book and have a great time of fellowship.
For information on our current book and next meeting, please contact Teresa Cole.
Covered in Love is a ministry supported by the women of Lakeview Baptist Church. We meet Wednesdays from 9:30am-Noon. The mission is to make warm and helpful items to assist those around us while spreading the love of Jesus Christ. We assist chemo patients and children with our blankets to cover them in love in some of their most challenging times. We also make pillows to assist breast cancer patients as well as other items as the need arises. We also crochet caps and blankets for hospitalized infants. You don’t have to know how to sew or own a sewing machine to help. We need all people at all levels to join us in a time of fun and fellowship while supporting those in need.
For more information on how you can help, please contact Angie Elwood